Thursday, January 13, 2011

First Egg

First Egg! After months of cleaning and building and buying and feeding and watering and protecting these chickens from predators....the payoff fits in the palm of your hand. The first egg is probably a bit larger than a walnut, and even though we haven't tasted it yet, it looks delicious.

Nicholas was very excited, as he was the one who got to find our little treasure. I wasn't at home but I heard it went something like: "EGG! EGG! EGG!" its the kids and chickens thing in full force. Welp, tomorrow should prove to be another egg day as they lay them about every 25 hours. So an update will be coming, and I will try and get some chicken photos up as they have grown quite a bit.

UPDATE: After further research, it seems a pullet in the beginning of their egg laying, lay a single egg about every 2-3 days. As it is difficult to see a chicken actually laying an egg, we were of the assumption that one chicken had started laying eggs before the others, yet it was more like they all started at once, and just sort of took turns.

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